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10 Fun Wellbeing Games for the Workplace

Employee wellbeing games in the workplace are a great way to unite colleagues and focus on the most important aspect of our lives: health and wellbeing.

In this blog, we’ll share 10 wellbeing games that all employees can take part in.

Whether during a team meeting, team away day, or something else, these games can help bring a smile and moment of relaxation to all involved.

As a wellbeing workshop facilitator, I’ve seen first-hand how impactful taking a moment to focus on wellbeing can be for employees worldwide.


10 Fun Wellbeing Games for the Workplace

  1. The Gratitude Game
  2. Wellbeing Trivia (FREE Download)
  3. The Wellness Game
  4. The Positivity Game
  5. The Stress Ball Game
  6. Wellbeing Bingo (FREE Wellbeing Bingo Tool)
  7. The Kindness Game (FREE Kindness Generator)
  8. The Photo Game
  9. The Laughing Game
  10. The Compliment Chain (FREE Compliment Generator)

The Benefits of Wellbeing Games at Work


10 Fun Wellbeing Games for the Workplace

These 10 workplace wellbeing games are designed to bring moments of joy, happiness, relaxation and encourage a collaborative workplace culture.

1. The Gratitude Game

When was the last time employees took a moment to think about what they’re grateful for within their workplace?

This game creates the space and time for colleagues to build a sense of appreciation towards each other and their working environment.

Gratitude has been shown to reduce stress, improve mood, and overall health.

Here’s how the game works:

All employees must write on a piece of paper one thing they are grateful for within their life or workplace.

Once this has been written down, the pieces of paper must be folded so nobody can see what each person has written down.

These pieces of paper must now be put into a hat, bowl, or something similar and mixed up.

Then, going around the room, one by one, each person picks one of the pieces of paper out. (Hopefully not their own)

Going clockwise, each person will read what it says on the paper.

The team will then guess who wrote what was on the piece of paper.

The person who wrote it can remain silent if they choose to or admit it is them, it’s up to your team.

Go around the room one by one and listen to the beautiful moments of gratitude expressed by colleagues.

This heart-warming wellbeing will help to bring a moment of appreciation and gratefulness to any working environment.

Alternatively, why not hire an expert to run a “Harnessing Gratitude Workshop” to bring your colleagues together and showcase the power of being grateful.


2. Wellbeing Trivia

Most individuals have played some form of trivia game but this is with a twist.

Rather than general questions about sport, TV or general knowledge, these questions are specifically about health and wellbeing.

These questions will highlight the importance of our wellbeing and get colleagues thinking more about their health.

Here’s how it works:

Start by organising employees into teams.

This could be groups of three or four, or you could decide to have only two teams.

Find whatever works best for your attendee size.

If there are lots of employees, have enough groups to allow each employee to get involved.

If there are only a few employees, perhaps two or three groups would be better.

Then we need to nominate a question master.

This is the person who reads out the questions to the group.

After all questions have been read, each group must swap their answers with another group.

They will then mark them for correct or incorrect answers as the question master reads out the questions again, as well as the answers.

The winning team is the one with the highest score.

3. The Wellness Game

This game involves setting a health goal for colleagues to achieve over a week, month, or set period.

When individuals are healthier, they are typically happier, more motivated, and more productive.

Think about the last time you felt your healthiest.

What was the result of this?

Hopefully, you felt amazing.

Well, why not challenge your colleagues to feel amazing too?

Here’s how it works:

Create a wellness challenge of your choice.

Our linked blog has a list of 10 challenges.

Once you’ve decided on your challenge, work out how you and your colleagues are going to monitor it.

For example, if you are taking on the two-litre challenge, create a tick box sheet for employees to sign once they’ve completed their two litres for the day.

Next, decide how long this challenge will last.

Agree with your team how long you’re going to track this for.

A week, month, year?

Find a suitable and realistic timeframe for your workplace.

Then, set a finish date where colleagues will come together to see who has stayed the most consistent throughout the challenge.

If budget permits, offer prizes for the top three, or even a prize to the whole team for taking part.

Whether it be a fun team away day or a day of on-site chair massage.

Find what works best for your workplace.


4. The Positivity Game

There’s tremendous power in the process of positive thinking.

When individuals express positivity, they are more resilient, optimistic, and less likely to experience stress.

The positivity game is a great way to encourage a brighter outlook within any workplace.

This can improve workplace culture, team collaboration, and more!

Here’s how it works:

Get employees to write down three positive things that have happened to them this week and one negative thing within the workplace.

Get each employee to share their positive points one by one.

Then ask employees to share their negative experiences.

When one person has shared a negative experience, ask colleagues in the room to help reframe that experience into a positive one.

Then go around the room one by one.

For example: A colleague may say they had a tough meeting with a client and it upset them.

First, express empathy in understanding why it would upset them, then work together to find what lessons were learned and what positives can be taken from it.

In this example, the tough meeting will have prepared the individual to be able to handle tough meetings better in the future.

It may also have taught them about the client’s standards so they know to deliver their best work next time.

Work on things that are relevant to your workplace.

At the end of the meeting, get all employees to share one positive thing they have taken from the meeting.

This will help the meeting to finish on a high.


5. The Stress Ball Game

To play this game, there will need to be one stress ball in the room the colleagues can throw to each other.

This game is designed to help alleviate workplace stress and allow employees to express themselves in a safe space.

The aim is to discuss a stressor and express how they will overcome this stress if it happens again.

Here’s how it works:

One person starts with the stress ball and expresses something that has stressed them out that month.

During their explanation, they squeeze the stress ball to help get out their frustration.

Once they have explained their stressor, they will explain how they will better cope with this the next time it occurs.

If they are unable to think of coping methods, they will ask their colleagues for suggestions.

To help stay on track, each person will be allocated a set time depending on attendee numbers and the length of the meeting.

E.g. if there are 6 people in a 1-hour meeting, then each person gets 10 minutes.

After the first person has gone through their stressor, they gently throw the ball to one of their colleagues to go next.

This is a great method to help employees reduce stress and feel supported by their colleagues.

If your workplace would like more proven frameworks to help reduce stress, check out our “Coping with Stress Wellbeing Workshop”.

6. Wellbeing Bingo

Bingo can be a fun game in any environment but what about wellbeing bingo?

Instead of using numbers, why not use wellbeing topics or facts?

This game adds an element of luck and friendly competition among colleagues and is easy to lay and implement.

Here’s how it works:

Everyone has a bingo card. (Use our free Bingo Card Generator below)

Employees can access this web page using a laptop, desktop or phone.

Get each employee to scroll down to the bingo card and generate a new card.

Create a bingo master, someone who will press “Pick a random wellbeing tip”.

Each time this is pressed, the “bingo master” will say what it is and individuals will click the answer if they have it on their card.

This will the mark it on their card.

The first person to get 5 in a row, is the winner.

Wellbeing Bingo
Wellbeing Bingo Game Generator

7. The Kindness Game

In a world that can be harsh and difficult at times, it costs nothing to be kind.

Kindness helps to make someone’s day, which can in turn make the giver of kindness also feel happy.

This game gives colleagues the challenge and opportunity to be kind.

Here’s how it works:

Use our tool below to find an appropriate act of kindness.

Find one act of kindness for each person.

Then, give each individual the rest of the day to complete that act of kindness.

Report back to each other and explain the impact each act of kindness had within the workplace.

This game will help to contribute to a kind and caring workforce.

Try our free act of kindness generator below!

Workplace Act of Kindness Generator

Workplace Act of Kindness Generator

Click the button to reveal your act of kindness.

8. The Photo Game

This game is designed to bring out laughter and joy among colleagues.

Sharing photos can help to get colleagues to know each other better, boost relationships, and enhance team morale.

The photo game creates a moment of fun that can help to boost the mood among team members.

Here’s how it works:

Before organising a team meeting or gathering, ask each individual to bring in a photo from their childhood, teenage years, or a happy memory.

All photos are shared around between individuals for everyone to see.

Each person must now guess what photo belongs to who.

The winner is the person who guessed the most correctly.

Once all has been revealed.

Each person can take a moment to explain why they decided to bring this photo in and what it means to them.

This can evoke a heart-warming moment among colleagues to connect and learn more about each other.

9. The Laughing Game

Why not evoke some laughter in your workplace to create some office giggles?

Laughter is an emotion that can help support the wellbeing of anyone.

Laughter can reduce stress, bring joy and build bonds.

Taking a moment out of the day in your workplace to place this came could have a tremendous impact.

Here’s how it works:

Standing in a circle each person says the word ha.

Once everyone has completed the word ha, the next round is for each person to say ha ha.

The number of “ha’s” keep increasing each round.

When the first person laughs, they are now out.

The game continues until there is only one winner.

This game will bring joy to any workplace and is a silly moment of fun that all colleagues will remember.


10. The Compliment Chain

Complimenting someone can make them feel happy, seen, and important.

The compliment chain provides the opportunity for colleagues to say something nice to each other.

These kind words will not only make individuals feel happy but also create team unity.

Genuine compliments improve relationships, motivate individuals, boost self-esteem, boost confidence, and more!

Here’s how it works:

Each person says a compliment to the person on their left.

Once everyone has completed the first round we start again.

This time, each person says a compliment to the person on their right.

Lastly, each person says a compliment to a person of their choice, making sure not to compliment the same person twice.

Not sure of what compliments to say?

Try our free compliment generator below.

Workplace Compliment Generator

Workplace Compliment Generator

Click the button to reveal your compliment.

These wellbeing games can help to boost mood, connections, workplace culture and more.

If you’d like other methods of creating memorable moments for employees, why not check out our wellbeing workshops or webinars?

The Benefits of Wellbeing Games at Work

Incorporating wellbeing games into the workplace brings many benefits that can truly transform the work environment.

From my experience, these activities do wonders in reducing stress and boosting overall morale.

I’ve seen first-hand how engaging in fun, light-hearted games helps employees unwind and reconnect with their colleagues on a personal level.

It creates a sense of togetherness and builds stronger team bonds, making team collaboration more natural and enjoyable.

Moreover, these games encourage healthy habits, like taking breaks to move around or doing things to reduce stress, which can significantly improve physical and mental health.

The productivity boost is also remarkable.

When employees take time to recharge with a quick game or activity, they return to their work with renewed energy and creativity.

Overall, incorporating wellbeing games into the workplace not only makes for happier employees but also creates a more vibrant and productive work environment.

Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker

BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation