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10 Corporate Fitness Challenge Ideas to Boost Employee Wellness

A corporate fitness challenge is a great way to inspire health and fitness within any organisation.

As a wellbeing speaker, I’ve seen the benefits that fitness challenges can have on individuals all over the world.

These challenges are not solely about physical fitness, they encompass a holistic approach to wellness, team spirit, and optimal performance.

In this blog, we’ll look at the essence of corporate fitness challenges, their undeniable benefits, and ten innovative ideas to invigorate those in your company.

Additionally, you’ll gain valuable insights on how to effectively roll out these challenges within your organisation.


What is a Corporate Fitness Challenge?

What are the Benefits of a Corporate Fitness Challenge?

10 Corporate Fitness Challenge Ideas

How to Implement a Corporate Fitness Challenge

What is a Corporate Fitness Challenge?

A corporate fitness challenge is a structured program or competition introduced within a workplace to encourage employees to engage in physical activity and adopt healthier lifestyles.

These challenges can range from tracking daily steps, participating in group workouts, to setting personal fitness goals.

The primary aim is to infuse a sense of motivation, camaraderie, and friendly competition among colleagues.

By setting tangible goals and perhaps even offering rewards or recognition, companies can inspire their employees to prioritise their health and wellness.

In essence, it’s a fun, engaging way to promote wellbeing while also fostering team bonding and a positive work environment.


What are the Benefits of a Corporate Fitness Challenge?

Corporate Fitness Challenges offer many benefits, both for the individual employee and the employer.

Here are some of the standout advantages:

Enhanced Employee Wellbeing

Regular physical activity can lead to improved physical health, reducing the risk of chronic diseases and boosting overall vitality.

Increased Productivity

A healthier employee is often a more productive one.

Physical activity can enhance cognitive functions, leading to better decision-making and problem-solving skills.

Reduced Absenteeism

With improved health comes fewer sick days.

This can lead to a significant reduction in absenteeism and associated costs.

Boosted Morale and Team Spirit

Friendly competitions can foster great working relationships among colleagues and strengthen team bonds.

When employees work together towards a fitness goal, it creates a more together and healthy work environment.


Attraction and Retention of Talent

Offering wellness programs like fitness challenges can make a company more attractive to potential employees.

It also shows current staff that their wellbeing is valued, increasing loyalty and employee retention.

Stress Reduction

Physical activity is a known stress-reliever.

Employees who participate in fitness challenges often report lower stress levels and better mental well-being.

Improved Mental Health

Beyond the physical benefits, regular exercise can also boost mental health, reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Cost Savings

In the long run, healthier employees can lead to lower healthcare costs for the organisation.

Enhanced Corporate Image

Companies that prioritise the health and wellness of their employees are often viewed more favourably by clients, partners, and the public.

Encouragement of Healthy Habits

By participating in a fitness challenge, employees are often inspired to make other healthy lifestyle changes, such as adopting a balanced diet or quitting smoking.

At Loving Life, we deliver a range of employee wellbeing workshops to help with healthy habits, motivation, reducing stress, and more!

Get in touch for more information.

a tag that says good health good life

10 Corporate Fitness Challenge Ideas

Incorporating Corporate fitness challenges in the workplace can be a fun and innovative way to promote health and team bonding.

Here are ten ideas to inspire and motivate your employees:

1. Walking/Step Challenge

The Walking or Step Challenge is a straightforward yet effective way to get employees moving.

Encourage everyone to track their daily steps using pedometers, smartphones, or fitness trackers.

Set a collective goal for the entire company or individual targets for teams or departments.

This challenge can run for a week, a month, or even longer.

Recognise top performers with health-related rewards or an extra day off.

Walking is an excellent low-impact exercise that promotes cardiovascular health and breaks the monotony of the workday.

ladies walking

2. Desk exercise Challenge

For those tethered to their desks, the Desk exercise Challenge offers a respite from prolonged sitting.

Introduce a series of exercises that can be performed right at the workstation, like stretches, seated leg lifts, or chair squats.

Share a set of desk exercises weekly or daily, and consider creating short video demonstrations.

Encourage regular short exercise breaks throughout the day.

Consistent participants can be rewarded with wellness-related prizes.

Desk exercises help combat poor posture, muscle stiffness, and provide a mental break, enhancing focus upon return to work tasks.

Lady stretching her arms while working from home

3. Interval Training Bootcamp

Embrace the power of high-intensity workouts with an Interval Training Bootcamp as part of your Corporate Fitness Challenge.

Organise weekly sessions, either in a designated office space or a nearby park, led by certified HIIT trainers.

These sessions would involve exercises like jump squats, burpees, and mountain climbers, broken into short, intense bursts followed by rest or low-intensity periods.

To cater to all fitness levels, offer modifications for each exercise.

As participants progress, they’ll experience improved cardiovascular health, increased muscle strength, and a notable boost in endurance.

Plus, the group setting fosters a sense of bonding, making the challenge both a fitness and team-building activity.

Employee wellbeing fitness class

4. Cycling Challenge

Pedal your way to fitness with a dedicated Cycling Corporate Fitness Challenge.

Set up a series of goals, such as covering specific distances or achieving certain speed thresholds.

If using stationary bikes, consider organising themed spinning classes with energetic music to keep motivation high.

For outdoor enthusiasts, chart out cycling routes that employees can follow, varying in difficulty and scenery.

Organise weekend group rides, allowing participants to bond while enjoying the outdoors.

Not only does cycling offer a full-body workout, but it also enhances cardiovascular health, leg strength, and stamina.

Highlight the cycle to work scheme, encouraging colleagues to cycle to work if applicable.


5. Plank Challenge

Strengthen the core and enhance posture with a Plank Corporate Fitness Challenge.

The plank is a versatile exercise that targets multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

Start with a baseline test to see how long participants can hold a plank.

Over the course of the challenge, encourage employees to gradually increase their plank duration.

Offer weekly tips on maintaining proper form and introduce variations like side planks or plank leg lifts to keep things interesting.

By the end of the challenge, participants will likely notice improved core strength, better posture, and enhanced stability in other exercises.


6. Runners’ Relay

Ignite the spirit of friendly competition with a Runners’ Relay Corporate Fitness Challenge.

Organiae a relay race event where teams compete against each other, passing a baton and covering specified distances.

Leading up to the event, provide training schedules, running tips, and organise group runs to help participants prepare.

The relay format not only promotes cardiovascular health but also emphasizes teamwork, strategy, and communication.

Celebrate the event with awards for the fastest team, best team spirit, and individual achievements.


7. Skipping

Revisit a childhood favourite with a Skipping Corporate Fitness Challenge.

Jumping rope is an excellent cardiovascular workout that also tones the legs, arms, and core.

Set daily or weekly jump targets, and encourage employees to track their progress.

Introduce variations like double unders or criss-cross jumps for those seeking an added challenge.

Organise weekly group jump sessions, creating an energetic atmosphere with music and friendly competitions.

As participants progress, they’ll experience enhanced agility, coordination, and stamina.


8. Bodyweight Mastery Challenge

Harness the power of bodyweight exercises with the Bodyweight Mastery Corporate Fitness Challenge.

Design a circuit of exercises like push-ups, squats, lunges, and tricep dips that participants can perform without the need for any equipment.

Offer different intensity levels, ensuring inclusivity for all fitness levels.

Host weekly group sessions, led by a fitness instructor, to guide participants through the circuit, ensuring proper form and technique.

As the challenge progresses, introduce advanced variations to keep participants engaged and challenged.

This approach not only builds strength and endurance but also offers the flexibility to participate from anywhere, be it the office, home, or a park.


9. Stair Climbing Challenge

Elevate employee fitness with a Stair Climbing Corporate Fitness Challenge.

If your office building has multiple floors, this is a perfect opportunity to encourage employees to take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Set weekly targets for the number of floors to be climbed and track progress.

To add a competitive edge, create leaderboards showcasing top climbers.

Stair climbing not only provides a cardiovascular workout but also strengthens the leg muscles and boosts endurance.

Organise occasional group stair-climbing events, turning them into mini relay races or time trials, adding excitement to the challenge.

Of course, ensure all health and safety protocols are followed.


10. Flexibility and Balance Challenge

Promote flexibility and balance with a dedicated Corporate Fitness Challenge.

Incorporate exercises like leg raises, toe touches, and balance poses.

Organise weekly sessions focusing on stretching routines and balance drills, led by a trained instructor.

Introduce challenges like holding a single-leg stand for extended periods or mastering a complex yoga pose.

As participants engage, they’ll notice improved flexibility, better posture, enhanced balance, and reduced risk of injuries.

Celebrate milestones, such as mastering a difficult pose or significantly improving flexibility, to keep motivation high.

office employees stretching

How to Implement a Corporate Fitness Challenge

Implementing a Corporate Fitness Challenge requires careful planning, clear communication, and consistent follow-through.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to ensure your challenge is both engaging and effective:

Define Clear Objectives

Before diving in, determine what you want to achieve with the challenge.

Whether it’s improving overall employee health, reducing stress levels, or fostering team bonding, having clear objectives will guide the entire process.

objective written in a microscope

Choose the Right Challenge

Based on your objectives and the interests of your employees, select a fitness challenge.

It could be one from the list above or a unique idea tailored to your organisation.

Set a Time Frame

Decide on the duration of the challenge.

It could be a week-long step challenge or a month-long cycle challenge.

Ensure the duration is realistic and achievable.

Gather Resources

Depending on the challenge, you might need specific resources.

This could include fitness trackers, workout equipment, expert trainers, or even mobile apps.

Communicate Effectively

Announce the challenge well in advance.

Use emails, posters, team meetings, or the company intranet to spread the word.

Clearly communicate the rules, objectives, and any rewards.

Make Participation Easy

The simpler it is to participate, the higher the engagement.

Provide any necessary tools or resources, create easy-to-use tracking systems, and offer flexibility in participation.

Incorporate Incentives

Rewards can be a great motivator.

Consider offering prizes, recognition, or even additional leave days for top performers or consistent participants.

Track and Share Progress

Regularly update participants on the overall progress of the challenge.

This could be in the form of leaderboards, weekly emails, or team meetings.

Celebrating milestones can boost morale and motivation.

Encourage Team Collaboration

Promote teamwork by organising group activities, forming teams for challenges, or even hosting friendly inter-departmental competitions.


Gather Feedback

Once the challenge concludes, gather feedback from participants.

Understand what worked, what didn’t, and how the challenge can be improved for next time.

Celebrate and Recognise

At the end of the challenge, celebrate the achievements, both collective and individual.

Recognise top performers and thank everyone for their participation.

Plan for the Next One

Use the insights and feedback from the first challenge to plan for subsequent ones.

Regular challenges can keep the momentum going and continuously promote a culture of wellness.

Remember, the key to a successful Corporate Fitness Challenge is engagement.

Ensure the challenge is inclusive, fun, and aligns with the values and interests of your employees.


Corporate Fitness Challenges offer a unique opportunity to meld wellness with work, creating a fun and engaged environment where employees thrive both physically and mentally.

By embracing such initiatives, companies not only invest in the health of their employees but also in the overall productivity and morale of the organisation.

Good luck with whatever corporate fitness challenge you decide to set up!


Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker

BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation

Tyler Lowe