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Staff holding up a sign that says company away day

Planning the perfect company away day can be a daunting task, but with the right mix of engaging and unique activities, it can transform into a memorable and enjoyable experience for your team. In this blog, we've compiled a list of 10 creative and inspiring activities that can foster better...

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Work can be intense - spreadsheets, back-to-back meetings, project deadlines. Ever thought about pressing the pause button? That's where corporate getaways come into play! They're the perfect recipe for unwinding, fostering camaraderie, and sparking innovation. So, let's take a journey together and uncover the magic of these unique escapades away...

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In the hustle and bustle of the corporate world, a corporate event can provide a range of benefits. However, choosing corporate event ideas can be difficult. Corporate events provide an opportunity to learn, network, and most importantly, unwind. But how do you ensure that your corporate event is not just...

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Employee recognition - a concept that carries the power to transform work environments, boost morale, and increase productivity. Yet, it's often misunderstood or underutilized in many organizations. As experts in employee health and wellbeing, we're passionate about the potential of effective recognition and are eager to share our insights with...

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Employee wellbeing games in the workplace are a great way to unite colleagues and focus on the most important aspect of our lives: health and wellbeing. In this blog, we’ll share 10 wellbeing games that all employees can take part in. Whether during a team meeting, team away day, or...

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No successful workplace wants their employees to be unhappy at work but sadly it’s a reality for millions of people across the world. Employee Unhappiness affects many things in the workplace including productivity, retention, and workplace culture. Understanding the reasons behind employee unhappiness is crucial for creating a positive and...

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For many companies, the pandemic seemed like a lifetime ago, but its impact has drastically changed how many organisations work. Whether it’s the shift to more remote teams, the implementation of flexible hours, or the adoption of new technologies, these changes have fundamentally altered the way we work. In this...

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As a leader, the fate of your company’s future and the wellbeing of your employees rest in your hands. Workplaces that do not create a positive culture have higher staff turnover, lower employee engagement, more absenteeism, less trust, and more! All of which contribute to lower profits. In this article...

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