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10 Healthy Corporate Wellness Challenge Ideas

In today’s fast-paced corporate world, employee wellness is more important than ever. But how do we make health and wellbeing part of our daily work life?

In this blog, we’ll explore 10 exciting corporate wellness challenge ideas that your team will love, as well as why they’re important and how to implement them.

From hydration heroes to desk yogis, there’s something for everyone.


10 Healthy Corporate Wellness Challenge Ideas

Why are Corporate Wellness Challenges Important?

How can a Company Successfully Implement Wellness Challenges?

How can a Company Measure the Success of Wellness Challenges?

What can a Company do to Ensure High Participation Rates in Wellness Challenges?

How can Wellness Challenges be Adapted for Remote Teams?

What are Some Other Resources for Companies Interested in Promoting Employee Wellness?

What Are Some Potential Obstacles to Implementing Wellness Challenges, and How Can They be Overcome?

happy corporate employees

10 Healthy Corporate Wellness Challenge Ideas

1. The 2 litre Challenge

Imagine a simple, cost-effective way to boost employee productivity, focus, and overall wellbeing.

Enter the 2 Litre Challenge. This initiative encourages staff to consume 2 litres of water each day.

Hydration is key to our health. It aids digestion, keeps our skin glowing, and even boosts brain function. But in the hustle of corporate life, it’s easy to forget.

By promoting the 2 Litre Challenge, companies can help employees stay hydrated and healthy. It’s not just about drinking water, it’s about fostering a culture of wellness.

Plus, it’s fun!

Picture a leaderboard in the break room, friendly competition, and the satisfaction of hitting that 2-litre mark.

Simple, effective, and beneficial for all – that’s the power of the 2 Litre Challenge.

Wellbeing workshops like “Improve Your Physical Wellbeing” can highlight challenges like these and inspire, motivate and encourage staff to give it a go.

Man drinking water to stay hydrated

2. 10,000 Steps Challenge

Step into better health with the 10,000 Steps Challenge!

This is a fun, engaging way to get your team moving more throughout the day.

All you need is a simple pedometer or a smartphone with a step-tracking app.

Set a daily goal of 10,000 steps and watch as friendly competition sparks.

The benefits?

More physical activity can lead to improved mood, better concentration, and even weight loss.

To make it more engaging, consider creating a leaderboard or offering small rewards for milestones.

Remember, every step counts, so encourage your team to take the stairs, park further away, or even have walking meetings.

The 10,000 Steps Challenge is a step in the right direction for corporate wellness.

3. Fruit and Veggie Challenge

Next on our list is the Fruit and Veggie Challenge.

This is a delicious way to promote healthy eating habits among your team.

The goal is simple: consume five servings of fruits and vegetables each day.

This challenge is not just about meeting the quota, but also about discovering new, nutritious foods and recipes.

The benefits are immense, from improved digestion to boosted immunity and energy levels.

To make it engaging, create a shared platform where employees can post pictures of their meals and swap recipes.

You could even host a weekly ‘best dish’ contest. Remember, variety is the spice of life, so encourage your team to try different fruits and vegetables.

The Fruit and Veggie Challenge is a tasty path to better health.

Fruit and vegetables

4. Mindful Minutes Challenge

The Mindful Minutes Challenge is a serene journey into the world of mindfulness. The goal?

Encourage your team to dedicate 10 minutes each day to mindfulness or meditation.

This can be done through guided meditations, deep breathing exercises, or simply sitting quietly.

The benefits are profound, including reduced stress, improved focus, and better emotional wellbeing.

To implement this, share free mindfulness resources or apps.

Make it engaging by creating a quiet, dedicated space in the office for mindfulness practice.

You could also host weekly group meditation sessions.

Remember, mindfulness is a personal journey, so encourage your team to explore different methods and find what works best for them.

The Mindful Minutes Challenge is a peaceful way to enhance corporate wellness.

5. Seven-Hour Sleep Challenge

Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.

With the 7-Hour Sleep Challenge, we aim to ensure that every team member gets at least 7 hours of sleep per night, as recommended by health experts.

Good sleep is crucial for overall health, productivity, and mood regulation.

To implement this, encourage employees to set a regular sleep schedule and create a restful environment.

This includes reducing screen time before bed, keeping the room dark and cool, and avoiding caffeine and large meals before bedtime.

To make it engaging, consider a ‘sleep club’ where employees can share their best sleep tips and discuss their progress.

Remember, quality matters as much as quantity, so encourage your team to focus on getting restful, uninterrupted sleep.

The 7-Hour Sleep Challenge is a dreamy way to promote corporate wellness.

woman sleeping happily

6. Desk Yoga Challenge

The Desk Yoga Challenge is a fantastic way to promote movement and reduce stress without leaving the office.

The goal is simple: perform a 5-minute desk yoga sequence once a day.

This can include stretches and postures that can be done while sitting or standing next to the desk. The benefits are immense, from improved flexibility and posture to reduced stress and increased energy. To implement this, share a simple desk yoga sequence that employees can follow.

Make it engaging by hosting weekly group yoga sessions or challenges.

Remember, it’s not about perfection, but participation, so encourage your team to do what feels comfortable for them.

The Desk Yoga Challenge is a flexible approach to corporate wellness.

7. Lunch Break Workout Challenge

Get your team moving with the Lunch Break Workout Challenge. The goal is to complete a 15-minute workout during the lunch break, three times a week.

This can be a brisk walk, a quick strength training session, or even a dance-off.

Regular exercise can boost mood, energy levels, and overall health.

To implement this, share a variety of 15-minute workout ideas that cater to different fitness levels.

Make it engaging by creating workout groups or hosting a ‘workout of the week’ challenge.

Remember, the goal is to get moving and have fun, so encourage your team to choose workouts they enjoy.

The Lunch Break Workout Challenge is a healthy and energising way to break up the workday.

Employee wellbeing fitness class

8. Healthy Recipe Swap Challenge

The Healthy Recipe Swap Challenge is a delicious way to promote healthy eating and team bonding.

The goal is for each employee to cook a healthy meal once a week and share the recipe with their colleagues.

This not only encourages healthy eating but also allows team members to learn from each other’s culinary skills.

To implement this, create a shared platform where employees can post their recipes and photos of their meals.

Make it engaging by hosting a ‘best dish’ contest or themed cooking weeks.

Remember, the goal is not just to eat healthily, but also to enjoy the process of cooking and sharing.

The Healthy Recipe Swap Challenge is a tasty and creative approach to corporate wellness.

For recipe ideas check out this blog on “99 healthy dinners you can cook in 30 minutes

9. Digital Detox Challenge

In our hyper-connected world, the Digital Detox Challenge is a breath of fresh air.

The goal is to spend an hour after work without screens.

This can help reduce digital eye strain, improve sleep, and even boost mood.

To implement this, encourage employees to set a specific ‘no screen’ time each day.

Make it engaging by sharing ideas for what to do during this hour, like reading, walking, or crafting.

Remember, the goal is to create a healthy balance between digital and real-life interactions. The Digital Detox Challenge is a refreshing way to promote corporate wellness.

10. Stand-Up Meeting Challenge

Last but not least, we have the Stand-Up Meeting Challenge.

This challenge encourages teams to conduct stand-up meetings instead of sitting down.

The idea is simple: whenever possible, have your meetings standing up.

This not only promotes physical activity but also tends to keep meetings short and to the point.

The benefits are twofold: improved health through increased movement and increased productivity through more efficient meetings.

To implement this, simply suggest standing meetings whenever appropriate. To make it engaging, consider creating a fun name for these meetings or rewarding the team that holds the most stand-up meetings in a week.

Remember, the goal is to promote movement and efficiency, so encourage your team to embrace this new way of meeting.

The Stand-Up Meeting Challenge is a dynamic and productive approach to corporate wellness.

Top of Form

employees having a walking team meeting

Why not check out our blog on “15 Employee Wellness Ideas and Initiatives

Why are Corporate Wellness Challenges Important?

Corporate wellness challenges are more than just a fun office activity.

They’re a powerful tool for fostering a culture of health and wellbeing in the workplace.

When we feel good, we work better. It’s that simple.

Wellness challenges encourage employees to take active steps towards healthier habits, whether it’s moving more, eating better, or managing stress.

But the benefits don’t stop at individual health. These challenges also promote team building, boost morale, and can even enhance productivity.

They show employees that their well-being matters to the company, fostering a sense of belonging and motivation.

In short, corporate wellness challenges are a win-win: healthier, happier employees and a more vibrant, productive workplace.

Employees happy and healthy

How can a Company Successfully Implement Wellness Challenges?

Implementing wellness challenges successfully requires a blend of planning, communication, and enthusiasm.

Start by choosing challenges that are fun, achievable, and relevant to your team.

Remember, one size doesn’t fit all.

Next, get the word out. Use emails, meetings, or even a dedicated wellness platform to share the details.

Make sure everyone knows what’s happening, why it’s happening, and how to participate.

Now, here’s the secret sauce: enthusiasm.

Get leaders involved, celebrate progress, and keep the energy high.

Lastly, make it easy for employees to participate. Remove barriers, provide resources, and offer support.

Remember, the goal is to create a positive, inclusive experience that encourages everyone to take part.

With the right approach, wellness challenges can become a highlight of your corporate culture.

Successful man celebrating

How can a Company Measure the Success of Wellness Challenges?

Measuring the success of wellness challenges can be as diverse as the challenges themselves.

Start with the basics: participation rates.

How many employees are joining in? But don’t stop there.

Look at engagement levels. Are employees actively participating and sharing their experiences?

Then, consider the feedback. What are employees saying about the challenges?

Are they enjoying them? Do they feel healthier or more connected to their colleagues?

If you’re able to, you might also look at health metrics, like average steps per day during a step challenge, always ensuring you respect privacy and consent.

Remember, success isn’t just about numbers.

It’s about creating a healthier, happier, and more engaged workplace.

So, listen to your employees, observe the changes, and celebrate every step towards wellness.

What can a Company do to Ensure High Participation Rates in Wellness Challenges?

Boosting participation in wellness challenges is all about making them accessible, enjoyable, and rewarding.

First, ensure the challenges are inclusive and achievable for all fitness levels and lifestyles.

The more employees feel the challenge is doable, the more likely they are to participate.

Second, make it fun!

Incorporate elements of friendly competition, team collaboration, or creative tasks.

Third, communicate regularly about the challenge.

Regular updates, reminders, and progress reports can keep the momentum going.

Lastly, consider offering incentives. This doesn’t have to be expensive – even simple recognition can be a powerful motivator.

Remember, the goal is to create a positive, engaging experience that employees want to be a part of.

With the right approach, participation rates in your wellness challenges can soar!

Happy staff in a team meeting

How can Wellness Challenges be Adapted for Remote Teams?

Adapting wellness challenges for remote teams is not just possible, it’s a fantastic opportunity to foster connection and wellbeing across distances.

The key is to choose challenges that can be done anywhere and to leverage digital tools for communication and tracking.

For instance, a step challenge can be done by anyone with a smartphone.

A healthy recipe swap can be facilitated through a shared online document or a dedicated Slack channel.

Regular video check-ins or virtual workout sessions can add a social element.

Remember, it’s important to create a sense of community, so encourage sharing, celebrate achievements, and make sure remote employees feel included and valued.

With a bit of creativity, wellness challenges can be a great way to boost health and morale in remote teams.

What are Some Other Resources for Companies Interested in Promoting Employee Wellness?

For companies looking to dive deeper into employee wellness, there are a wealth of resources available.

One such resource is our wellbeing workshops that cover topics such as stress management, confidence building, and habit formation. These workshops are interactive, engaging, and tailored to each organisation’s needs.

In addition to workshops, Loving Life offers webinars, which are a convenient and cost-effective way to deliver training and information to employees, no matter where they are located.

Topics include everything from men’s health to Improving physical wellbeing and more!

These resources can be a valuable part of a company’s wellness strategy, providing employees with the knowledge and skills they need to improve their physical and mental wellbeing.

Remember, a happy workforce is a productive workforce, and investing in employee wellness can lead to reduced healthcare and absenteeism costs, improved work performance, and increased productivity.

wellbeing workshop

What Are Some Potential Obstacles to Implementing Wellness Challenges, and How Can They be Overcome?

Implementing wellness challenges is not without its hurdles, but with a bit of foresight, these can be overcome.

One potential obstacle is lack of time. Employees may feel they’re too busy to participate.

To overcome this, ensure challenges are flexible and can be incorporated into the workday without too much disruption.

Another hurdle could be lack of interest. This can be addressed by involving employees in the planning process.

Let them suggest challenges or vote on options. This way, they’re more likely to be invested in the outcome.

Privacy concerns can also arise, especially with health-related challenges.

To address this, make participation voluntary and ensure any shared information is kept confidential.

Remember, the goal is to create a supportive environment that encourages wellness, not to add stress. With the right approach, any obstacle can be turned into an opportunity.

man jumping over obstacles

As you embark on corporate wellness challenges, remember to celebrate every step, every achievement, no matter how small.

Because every step towards wellness is a step towards a happier, healthier, and more productive team.


Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker

BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation

Tyler Lowe