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Engaging Weekly Activities to Boost Workplace Morale

Weekly activities in the workplace are more than just a fun break from the usual routine.

These activities are a powerful tool to foster a positive work environment, encourage team bonding, and enhance overall employee morale, health and wellbeing.

In today’s dynamic work environment, keeping the team motivated and engaged is essential.

Through weekly activities, you can cultivate a culture of camaraderie, creativity, and productivity.

This blog delves into the benefits of weekly activities, offers a list of engaging weekly activities to kickstart your workplace morale, discusses the challenges you might face, and provides a roadmap to implement these activities seamlessly in your workplace.

Join us on this enlightening journey to transform your workplace into a hub of positivity and enthusiasm.


The Benefits of Weekly Activities in the Workplace

15 Engaging Weekly Activities for the Workplace

Challenges in Conducting Weekly Activities for the Workplace

How to Implement Weekly Activities in the Workplace

The Benefits of Weekly Activities in the Workplace

Engaging in weekly activities in the workplace isn’t just about taking a break from the daily grind, although that’s a delightful bonus.

These activities are stepping stones to building a better, more positive work environment.

Here are some of the key benefits:

Boosts Morale

When employees participate in enjoyable activities together, it lightens the mood, boosts morale, and creates a sense of belonging.

It’s a refreshing way to show appreciation and employee recognition, which in turn motivates employees to put their best foot forward.


Promotes Teamwork

Weekly activities can be a fun, informal way to foster teamwork and camaraderie.

Through collaborative activities, employees learn to communicate better, trust each other, and appreciate the diverse skills each member brings to the table.

Enhances Creativity and Problem-Solving

Breaking away from the usual routine can spark creativity and encourage out-of-the-box thinking.

When faced with fun challenges or new scenarios during these activities, employees hone their problem-solving skills in a low-stress setting.

Reduces Stress

The relaxed, enjoyable atmosphere created by weekly activities provides a much-needed respite from workplace pressures.

This breather not only reduces stress but can also prevent burnout.

stress free lady

Improves Communication

In a relaxed setting, employees are more likely to open up and engage in meaningful conversations.

Weekly activities can be a platform for open communication and understanding, cutting through the hierarchies and promoting a free flow of ideas.

Encourages a Healthy Work-Life Balance

By promoting a culture of regular breaks and enjoyable activities, companies send a message about the importance of balance and wellbeing.

This is integral for long-term employee retention and satisfaction.

National Work-Life Week

Attracts and Retains Talent

A workplace that is known for its positive culture and regular engaging activities is more likely to attract top talent.

Moreover, employees are more likely to stay with a company that invests in their happiness and wellbeing.

Fosters a Sense of Community

Weekly activities can help build a stronger sense of community within the workplace.

They provide an opportunity for employees to interact with colleagues they might not work with on a daily basis, bridging gaps and creating a more inclusive environment.

Overall, integrating weekly activities into the workplace is not just a fun initiative, but a strategic move towards building a happier, more productive, and highly motivated team.

The ripple effect of this positive change can significantly impact the success and growth a company.


15 Engaging Weekly Activities for the Workplace

Creating a lively and positive work environment doesn’t require grand gestures.

Sometimes, it’s the simple, thoughtful activities that resonate most with employees.

Here are fifteen engaging weekly activities that are sure to infuse vibrancy and positivity into your workplace

1. Theme Days

Theme days are a fun and creative way to break the monotonous routine and add some colour to the workplace.

Each week, pick a day where employees can dress up according to a chosen theme.

Themes can range from decades (e.g., ’80s or ’90s), holidays (e.g., Halloween or Christmas), or even wacky ideas like Pajama Day or Superhero Day.

The key is to choose themes that are inclusive and enjoyable for everyone.

To add a competitive edge, you can have a small panel of judges to award the best-dressed individual or team with a small prize.

Not only does this activity encourage creativity, but it also provides an opportunity for employees to express themselves and share a few laughs.


2. Employee Massage Day

Who wouldn’t appreciate a relaxing massage to ease the stresses of the workweek?

Organising a weekly Employee Massage Day is a thoughtful gesture to show your team that their wellbeing is a priority.

Contract with a massage therapy company to come in once a week to offer chair massages.

Ensure the setup is in a quiet, relaxed setting within your office to give employees a real sense of escape, even if just for 15-20 minutes.

Not only does this activity promote relaxation and stress reduction, but it also demonstrates a tangible investment in the wellbeing of your staff.

Over time, this small token of appreciation can lead to improved morale, reduced burnout, and a more positive work environment.

Plus, the therapeutic benefits of a professional massage can help to alleviate common work-related ailments like back pain or tension headaches, keeping your team feeling good and performing at their best.


3. Lunch and Learn Sessions

Lunch and Learn sessions provide an excellent platform for continuous learning and sharing knowledge within the organisation.

Once a week, invite employees or external experts to present on a topic of interest during lunchtime.

Topics can range from professional development, industry trends, to personal growth or even hobby-related subjects.

Provide a light lunch and create a relaxed, informal atmosphere where employees can enjoy their meal while gaining new insights.

Companies proactive abut wellbeing can invite a wellbeing speaker.

These sessions not only foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement but also encourage cross-departmental interaction and discussion.

Moreover, it allows employees to showcase their expertise or passions, promoting a culture of recognition and appreciation.


4. Mindfulness Meditation

In a fast-paced work environment, finding moments of calm can significantly impact employee wellbeing and productivity.

Hosting a weekly mindfulness meditation session can provide employees with the tools to manage stress and improve their focus.

You could invite a local mindfulness instructor to guide a 30-minute session, helping staff to detach from the hustle and bustle, and recentre.

Offering a peaceful space for these sessions, perhaps with some soft music and comfortable seating, can make this activity a highly anticipated weekly retreat.

Mindfulness meditation has been shown to reduce anxiety, enhance self-awareness, and promote emotional health, all of which contribute to a more harmonious and productive workplace.


5. Weekly Fitness Challenges

Physical activity is not only beneficial for physical health but mental wellbeing too.

Introducing Weekly Fitness Challenges can be a fun way to encourage employees to move more and prioritise their health.

The challenges could range from a certain number of steps per day, a daily stretching routine, or even a friendly competition of who can hold a plank the longest.

You can also invite local fitness instructors for a weekly workout session.

Make sure to cater to different fitness levels and preferences to keep it inclusive and enjoyable for everyone.

Celebrate the achievements at the end of the week with small rewards or recognition.

This weekly initiative can foster a sense of community, promote healthy habits, and provide a refreshing break from the work routine.


6. Creative Workshop Sessions

Creativity in the workplace isn’t just about producing visually appealing work.

It’s about problem-solving, innovation, and finding new ways to tackle challenges.

Hosting weekly creative workshop sessions can be a fantastic way to tap into the creative potentials of your team.

These workshops could cover a wide array of topics – from brainstorming techniques, exploring new software or tools, to hands-on crafting or painting workshops.

To support employee wellbeing, sessions could be tailored wellbeing workshops, or webinars for online employees.

Bringing in external experts or leveraging the talents within your team to lead these sessions can provide fresh perspectives and inspire creativity.

It’s also a wonderful opportunity for team members to step away from their usual tasks, learn something new, and interact with colleagues in a relaxed and stimulating environment.

Over time, nurturing creativity can lead to more innovative solutions, improved collaboration, and a more enriching work experience for everyone involved.


7. Community Service Initiatives

Engaging in community service not only fosters a sense of fulfillment and purpose but also strengthens team cohesion.

Organize a weekly volunteer initiative where employees can contribute to a local charity or community project.

This could range from preparing meals at a local shelter, participating in a street clean-up, or mentoring students at nearby schools.

By volunteering together, employees can build stronger bonds, gain a sense of achievement, and contribute positively to the broader community.

It’s also a fantastic way to enhance your company’s image as a socially responsible entity.

Encouraging employees to suggest volunteer opportunities can also foster a sense of ownership and engagement in these initiatives.

Check out this blog on volunteering ideas

volunteering wellbeing activity for the workplace

8. Skill Swap Sessions

Every individual in your team possesses a unique set of skills and knowledge.

Skill Swap Sessions are a great way for team members to learn from each other, foster a culture of continuous learning, and strengthen interdepartmental relationships.

Once a week, have employees from different areas of the organisation share a skill or knowledge area they excel in.

This could be a technical skill, a soft skill like negotiation or conflict resolution, or even a fun skill like baking or photography.

These sessions can break down silos, promote a culture of knowledge sharing and continuous learning, and help employees to appreciate the diverse skill sets within their organisation.

Plus, learning in a casual, relaxed setting can make the experience enjoyable and less intimidating, promoting a culture of curiosity and growth.


9. Book Club

Establishing a workplace book club can offer employees an intellectual escape and a platform for engaging discussions.

Select a book related to personal development, industry insights, or even fiction, and set aside a time each week for discussion.

It’s a chance for employees to step away from their daily tasks, stimulate their minds, and engage in insightful conversations with colleagues.

Over time, a book club can foster a culture of learning, open dialogue, and intellectual curiosity within your team.

It also provides a structured yet relaxed environment for employees from different departments or hierarchies to interact, learn from each other, and build stronger connections.

Employees could keep each other accountable by aiming to get to a specific page number each week.

Then discuss what they’ve learnt so far in the book.

Consider following a book review podcast to get ideas on what books to read.

Staff at an employee resource group book club

10. Feedback Fridays

Open communication is crucial for a thriving workplace.

Introducing a weekly session such as Feedback Fridays can promote a culture of transparency and continuous improvement.

During these sessions, encourage employees to share their achievements, challenges, and suggestions for improvement in an open yet constructive manner.

It’s an opportunity for employees to voice their opinions, learn about the broader goals of the company, and understand how their work contributes to the big picture.

By fostering open dialogue, you not only empower your team but also pave the way for constructive feedback, problem-solving, and collective growth.

Over time, this practice can contribute to a more inclusive, supportive, and forward-thinking work environment.


11. Innovation Hours

Setting aside dedicated time for innovation can invigorate the workplace and lead to fresh ideas and solutions.

Designate a specific time each week, say Thursday afternoons, as “Innovation Hours.”

During this time, encourage employees to step away from their usual tasks and work on a project or idea they are passionate about.

This could be related to improving a current process, exploring new technologies, or even developing a new product or service.

Creating a supportive environment for innovation can unleash creativity, boost job satisfaction, and potentially lead to groundbreaking ideas that drive the company forward.

It’s also a testament to employees that their ideas and contributions are valued, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and engagement.

a lightbulb sparking an idea

12. Outdoor Team Building Activities

The great outdoors can provide a refreshing change of scenery and a chance to engage in fun, collaborative challenges.

Arrange for weekly outdoor team building activities that promote collaboration, problem-solving, and communication in a relaxed, natural setting.

Activities could range from obstacle courses, scavenger hunts, to nature walks or even outdoor sports like soccer or volleyball.

They don’t have to be big activities each week.

These outdoor adventures allow employees to interact in a less formal setting, build stronger relationships, and enjoy a healthy dose of fresh air and physical activity.

The change in environment can also provide a fresh perspective and rejuvenate the team for the week ahead.

The camaraderie developed during these outdoor activities can translate into improved teamwork and a more harmonious work environment back in the office.


13. Guest Speaker Series

Inviting guest speakers to share their expertise on a variety of topics can provide a refreshing learning experience for employees.

The topics could range from industry insights, personal development, to broader societal issues.

A weekly guest speaker series can expose your team to different perspectives, inspire new ideas, and spark meaningful discussions.

It’s also a chance for networking and possibly collaborating on future projects.

Make sure to provide a Q&A session at the end for employees to engage with the speaker and delve deeper into the topic.


14. Peer Recognition Program

Recognition is a powerful motivator.

A peer recognition program, where employees can acknowledge and appreciate each other’s efforts on a weekly basis, can foster a positive and supportive work culture.

Set up a simple, accessible platform where employees can give shout-outs to their colleagues for achievements, helpfulness, or displaying core company values.

Celebrate these shout-outs during a weekly gathering, whether it’s a brief ceremony or a mention in a company newsletter.

Over time, a culture of appreciation and recognition can lead to improved morale, stronger teamwork, and a more engaged workforce.

boss showing they care

15. Monday Morning Motivation Session

Beginning the week with a boost of motivation can set a positive momentum for the days to come.

A Monday Morning Motivation Session can be a tradition that employees look forward to.

It can consist of motivational talks from internal leaders or external speakers who share inspiring stories or valuable lessons.

Following the talk, a goal-setting exercise could be facilitated, allowing everyone to set their intentions for the week.

This session can also be a platform to celebrate last week’s achievements and appreciate the efforts of individuals or teams.

Additionally, a short segment could be dedicated to watching a motivational or educational video.

This curated start to the week can cultivate a culture of inspiration, recognition, and continuous learning, ensuring everyone steps into the new week with a clear mind and a motivated spirit.

Motivated employees

Challenges in Conducting Weekly Activities for the Workplace

Organising weekly activities in the workplace is a noble endeavor aimed at bolstering team spirit and enhancing overall morale.

However, it does come with its share of challenges that require thoughtful consideration and strategic planning to overcome.

Here are some of the common hurdles:

Resistance to Participation

Not every employee may be open to or comfortable with participating in weekly activities, especially if they feel forced or if the activities don’t align with their interests.

It’s vital to choose inclusive and varied activities that cater to different preferences and personalities.

Time Management

Balancing these activities with work demands can be tricky.

There’s a fine line between taking a healthy break and detracting from essential work tasks.

Ensuring that these activities are well-scheduled, and perhaps limiting them to a particular duration, can help mitigate any negative impact on productivity.


Resource Allocation

Resources like time, space, and budget are finite, and organising weekly activities may require a fair share of these resources.

It’s crucial to plan wisely and perhaps seek cost-effective or even free solutions that don’t compromise the quality of the experience.

Engaging a Diverse Workforce

In a diverse workplace, finding activities that resonate with everyone can be a challenge.

It’s important to consider the different cultures, ages, and abilities of your employees when planning these activities.

Belonging, inclusion, diversity and equity written on jenga blocks

Measuring Impact

Determining the success and impact of the activities can be difficult.

It’s essential to have clear objectives and possibly a feedback mechanism to understand the activities’ effectiveness and areas of improvement.


Maintaining the momentum and ensuring consistency in conducting these activities week after week can become a challenge, especially in busy or stressful times.

Lack of Senior Management Support

Support from senior management is crucial for the success of such initiatives.

Without it, organising these activities can become an uphill battle.

Overcoming these challenges requires a blend of strategic planning, open communication, and a genuine understanding and consideration of the employees’ needs and preferences.

By addressing these hurdles head-on, you can create a more engaging, enjoyable, and beneficial experience for everyone involved.

senior management

How to Implement Weekly Activities in the Workplace

Implementing weekly activities in the workplace can be a game-changer in fostering a positive organisational culture.

Here are some steps and considerations to ensure the successful implementation of these activities:

Understand Employee Interests

Start by understanding the interests, preferences, and concerns of your employees.

Conduct surveys or informal discussions to gather insights on the types of weekly activities they would enjoy and benefit from.


Obtain Management Support

Securing the support of senior management is crucial.

Present the benefits of weekly activities, possibly with some evidence or case studies, to gain their backing.

Allocate Resources Wisely

Determine the resources you’ll need including time, budget, and space.

Plan how you’ll allocate these resources efficiently without hampering daily operations.

Plan a Diverse Schedule

Create a diverse schedule of activities that cater to different interests and goals.

Ensure the schedule is well-communicated and accessible to all employees.


Foster a Voluntary Participation Environment

Encourage voluntary participation by making activities appealing and stress-free.

Avoid making participation mandatory as it could lead to resentment or disengagement.

Establish a Coordination Team

Form a coordination team or committee responsible for planning, organising, and evaluating the weekly activities.

This team could consist of enthusiastic employees from different departments.

Communicate Clearly

Effective communication is key.

Ensure employees are well-informed about upcoming activities, the objectives behind them, and how they can participate.


Evaluate and Adapt

Collect feedback from participants to evaluate the success of the activities.

Use this feedback to make necessary adjustments and improve future activities.

Celebrate Successes

Acknowledge and celebrate the successes and positive outcomes of these activities.

Highlighting the benefits experienced by individuals or teams can motivate others to participate.

Stay Committed

Maintain a consistent schedule of activities, even during busy or challenging times.

This commitment showcases the importance placed on employee wellbeing and team morale.

multicultural hands in a circle

By following a thoughtful, inclusive, and flexible approach, you can successfully implement weekly activities in the workplace, creating an environment that is not only productive but also enjoyable and fulfilling for your employees.

While challenges may arise in orchestrating weekly activities, the ripple effect of a motivated, engaged, and happy team is well worth the effort.

Remember, the essence of these activities is to create a workplace where everyone looks forward to not just the work but also the enriching experiences that come with it.

Here’s to a workplace buzzing with positivity, growth, and hearty laughter!


Tyler Lowe – Health & Wellbeing Speaker

BSc Sport & Exercise Rehabilitation

Tyler Lowe